Meppies Blog

Add admin to CVAD in an Ansible Library

June 03, 2024 | 2 Minute Read

How to use

This lightweight Ansible library simplifies the management of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) administrators and groups, offering three configurable options:

  • adminaddress: This mandatory parameter specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Citrix Delivery Controller.
  • adduserorgroup: This optional parameter defines a list of users or groups who will be granded access to CVAD.
  • action: This has two option ‘add’ or ‘delete’
  - name: Add Citrix administrator group
      adduserorgroup: "{{ Usetname or group}}" 
      adminaddress: "{{ Delivery controller }}:80"
      action: "add"

Library code

To integrate the Citrix admin configuration into Ansible, create a YAML file named citrix_admin_config.ps1 to store it in the library folder


#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Backup

$params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true
$adminAddress = Get-AnsibleParam $params "adminaddress" -type "str" 
$addUserOrGroup = ("AD\" + (Get-AnsibleParam $params "adduserorgroup" -type "str"))
$action = Get-AnsibleParam $params "action" -type "str"

$result = @{
    changed = $false

if ($action -eq "add") {

    try { 
        Get-AdminAdministrator -AdminAddress $adminaddress -Name $addUserOrGroup -ErrorAction Stop
        Exit-Json $result "unable to create, already existing: $addUserOrGroup"
    catch {
        try {
            New-AdminAdministrator  -AdminAddress $adminaddress -Enabled $True -Name $addUserOrGroup
            Add-AdminRight  -AdminAddress $adminaddress -Administrator $addUserOrGroup -Role "Full Administrator" -Scope "All"
            $result.changed = $true
            Exit-Json $result "succesfully created: $addUserOrGroup"       
        catch {
            # Write-Host "unable to create new administrator $addUserOrGroup" 
            Fail-Json $result "unable to create: $addUserOrGroup" 

if ($action -eq "delete") {

    try {
        try {
            #first check if account does exist
            Get-AdminAdministrator -AdminAddress $adminaddress -Name $addUserOrGroup -ErrorAction Stop
            Remove-AdminAdministrator  -AdminAddress $adminAddress -Name $addUserOrGroup -ErrorAction Stop
            $result.changed = $True 
            Exit-Json $result "succesfully deleted: $addUserOrGroup"
        catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
            # Write-Host "specific catch"
            Exit-Json $result "object not found: $addUserOrGroup"
        catch {
            # Write-Host "generic catch: $_"
            Fail-Json $result "unable to delete: $addUserOrGroup" 
    catch {
        #  Write-Host "unable to delete $addUserOrGroup"
        Fail-Json $result "unable to delete: $addUserOrGroup"                 


Exit-Json $result "unknown action specified: $action"