Check Delivery controller state in an Ansible Library
How to use
This library assists in assessing the health status of a Citrix Delivery Controller and offering one configurable options:
- ad: This parameter specifies the domain where the Delivery Controller is running in.
- name: Check if all the Citrix Delivery Controllers State is Active
ad: (Domain name)
delegate_to: "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ groups['CitrixDeliveryController'] }}"
Library code
To integrate the Citrix Delivery controller check into Ansible, create a YAML file named citrix_deliverycontroller_check.ps1 to store it in the library folder
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Backup
$params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true
$ad = Get-AnsibleParam $params "ad" -type "str" -FailIfEmpty $true
$result = @{
changed = $false
try {
$status = Get-BrokerController -MachineName "$ad\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
$status = $status.State
$searchString = 'Active'
if ($status -contains $searchString){
Exit-Json $result "Citrix Delivery Controller State is Active"
} else {
Fail-Json $result "Citrix Delivery Controller State is NOT Active"
catch {
Fail-Json $result "unable to check Citrix Delivery Controller State"