Set Director retention in an Ansible Library
How to use
This library enables the verification and modification of log retention settings within Citrix Director. It should be executed on a Delivery Controller and offering two configurable options:
- “setting: This parameter specifies the desired retention policy. Refer to the following options for available retention settings: retention
- value: Specifies the number of days for which log data should be retained.
- name: Update Citrix Director Retention
setting: GroomMachineMetricDaySummaryDataRetentionDays
value: 365
Library code
To integrate the Citrix Director retention configuration into Ansible, create a YAML file named citrix_director_retention.ps1 to store it in the library folder
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Backup
$params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true
$setting = Get-AnsibleParam $params "setting" -type "str" -FailIfEmpty $true
$value = Get-AnsibleParam $params "value" -type "str" -FailIfEmpty $true
$result = @{
changed = $false
try {
$getResult = Get-MonitorConfiguration
catch {
Fail-Json $result "failed to retrieve: $_"
try {
if ($getResult.$setting -ne $value) {
$parameters = @{
$setting = $value
Set-MonitorConfiguration @parameters
$result.changed = $true
catch {
Fail-Json $result "failed to set: $_"
Exit-Json $result