Upgrade Citrix CVAD Database with Ansible code
I used Ansible to automate the upgrade process, leveraging variables (denoted by {{ }}) to enhance flexibility. All commands are PowerShell-based, adaptable to your preferred automation tool.
Backup the databases
Ensure a comprehensive backup of all relevant databases is performed before initiating the upgrade.
- name: Backup database by the first Citrix Delivery Controller
win_shell: Backup-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance "{{ sql_server }}" -Database "{{ item }}" -BackupFile "{{ citrix.database.backup_path }}\\{{ item }}_{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d') }}.bak"
- "{{ citrix.database.site }}"
- "{{ citrix.database.logging }}"
- "{{ citrix.database.monitoring }}"
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
ansible_become_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
ansible_become_method: runas
Monitoring Database script
Retrieve the necessary script to upgrade the monitoring database. This process includes determining the latest compatible version and requesting the appropriate upgrade script.
- name: Generate Citrix monitoring database upgrade scripts
win_shell: |
$version = Get-MonitorInstalledDBVersion -Upgrade
if ($version) {
$sql = Get-MonitorDBVersionChangeScript -DatabaseName "{{ citrix.database.monitoring }}" -TargetVersion "$($version.Major[0]).$($version.Minor[0]).$($version.Build[0]).$($version.Revision[0])"
return $($sql.script)
register: mon_upgrade
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
ansible_become_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
ansible_become_method: runas
Logging Database script
We will now repeat the upgrade process, this time focusing on the Logging database.
- name: Generate Citrix logging database upgrade scripts
win_shell: |
$version = Get-LogInstalledDBVersion -Upgrade
if ($version) {
$sql = Get-LogDBVersionChangeScript -DatabaseName "{{ citrix.database.logging }}" -TargetVersion "$($version.Major[0]).$($version.Minor[0]).$($version.Build[0]).$($version.Revision[0])"
return $($sql.script)
register: log_upgrade
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
ansible_become_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
ansible_become_method: runas
Site Database script
Generate the required scripts to upgrade the site database. This involves creating multiple scripts that must be run sequentially to complete the upgrade process.
- name: Generate Citrix site database upgrade scripts
win_shell: |
$version = {{ item.check }} -Upgrade
if ($version) {
$sql = {{ item.command }} -DatabaseName "{{ citrix.database.site }}" -TargetVersion "$($version.Major[0]).$($version.Minor[0]).$($version.Build[0]).$($version.Revision[0])"
return $($sql.script)
- { check: 'Get-AcctInstalledDBVersion', command: 'Get-AcctDBVersionChangeScript'}
- { check: 'Get-AnalyticsInstalledDBVersion', command: 'Get-AnalyticsDBVersionChangeScript'}
- { check: 'Get-AppLibInstalledDBVersion', command: 'Get-AppLibDBVersionChangeScript'}
- { check: 'Get-ConfigInstalledDBVersion', command: 'Get-ConfigDBVersionChangeScript'}
- { check: 'Get-AdminInstalledDBVersion', command: 'Get-AdminDBVersionChangeScript'}
- { check: 'Get-EnvTestInstalledDBVersion', command: 'Get-EnvTestDBVersionChangeScript'}
- { check: 'Get-HypInstalledDBVersion', command: 'Get-HypDBVersionChangeScript'}
- { check: 'Get-ProvInstalledDBVersion', command: 'Get-ProvDBVersionChangeScript'}
- { check: 'Get-OrchInstalledDBVersion', command: 'Get-OrchDBVersionChangeScript'}
- { check: 'Get-SfInstalledDBVersion', command: 'Get-SfDBVersionChangeScript'}
- { check: 'Get-TrustInstalledDBVersion', command: 'Get-TrustDBVersionChangeScript'}
- { check: 'Get-BrokerInstalledDbVersion', command: 'Get-BrokerDBVersionChangeScript'}
register: site_upgrade
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
ansible_become_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
ansible_become_method: runas
Create a directory to save the scripts
Because the SQL scripts are to long for the powershell command you need to save the Scripts to a file.
- name: Create directory structure
path: "{{ citrix.backup }}"
state: directory
Save the Scripts
Save the scripts to a file for future execution.
- name: Generate the SQL scripts on the SQL server
content: "{{ item.stdout | trim }}"
dest: "{{ citrix.backup }}\\upgrade_{{index}}.sql"
when: item.stdout != ""
- "{{ site_upgrade.results }}"
- "{{ mon_upgrade.results }}"
- "{{ log_upgrade.results }}"
index_var: index
Stop Citrix the services
To ensure a smooth database upgrade process, it is necessary to halt all Delivery Controller services. This will temporarily disrupt user access to published applications and desktops in StoreFront.
- name: stop citrix services
win_shell: get-service citrix* -computername {{ item }} | stop-service -force
loop: "{{ groups['CitrixDeliveryController'] }}"
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
ansible_become_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
ansible_become_method: runas
Start the upgrade of the databases
The database upgrade will commence with the Site database. Once completed, we will proceed with upgrading the other necessary databases.
- name: Update the schema of the Citrix Delivery Controller databases
win_shell: Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "{{ sql_server }}" -InputFile "{{ citrix.backup }}\\upgrade_{{index}}.sql"
when: item.stdout != ""
- "{{ site_upgrade.results }}"
- "{{ mon_upgrade.results }}"
- "{{ log_upgrade.results }}"
index_var: index
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
ansible_become_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
ansible_become_method: runas
Start the Citrix services
The database upgrade process has been successfully finalized. You now restart the Delivery Controller services, restoring user access to published applications and desktops via StoreFront.
- name: start citrix services
win_shell: get-service citrix* -computername {{ item }} | start-service
loop: "{{ groups['CitrixDeliveryController'] }}"
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
ansible_become_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
ansible_become_method: runas
Cleanup the files
Clean up the directory where the SQL scripts are stored by deleting any temporary files.
- name: Remove directory structure
path: "{{ citrix.backup }}"
state: absent